Monday, February 2, 2009

Celine Dion In Concert, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

This past weekend Melanie invited Maura, Julie and I to join her in Ft. Lauderdale to attend the Celine Dion concert. So we loaded the car with our overnight bags and made the three hour drive for 24 hours of "girl time". This picture was taken at dinner before the show. Don't let the lovely food presentation fool you. This restaurant was in our hotel and convenient. (Julie and Mel had been warned NOT to dine her but we thought "How bad can it be?") What it WASN'T was good. I ordered two different entrees and the waitress kept coming back..."We're out of that"! Julie and I ordered the same salad and were both still hungry when through. So, we finished off Melanie's leftovers. Then we stopped at Friday's around 1:00 for a bedtime snack. You know how it is with the Sister's...always an adventure and LOTS of laughter!!

These are some pictures from the concert. This was the last song and it was so beautifully staged. Can you guess which song she is singing in this photo?......................................................................
If your guess was the theme from "Titanic", you guessed correctly. Celine Dion has such an amazing voice!
And an unbelievably powerful voice for such a little person! Her show included dancers, costume changes and different staging. Her mother was there, sitting just in front of Melanie and Julie. Can you imagine how proud she must be of her little girl?
This is a close up of Celine. She's very beautiful, isn't she?

Michelle, I'm sorry you weren't able to be here. I know these tickets were bought for you all but We really did enjoy being there in your place.

And another big THANK YOU to Melanie for blessing we sister's!!!!!!
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Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a good time! I so wish I could have been there, I put on the cd and sang along instead! : ( not the same though.. thank you for posting pictures she looks fantastic and the stage is beautiful!

Claire Helena said...

Wow! What a blast! I love Celine Dion-shes has such an amazing voice! Glad you had such a great time!

Beth said...

Loved this post! Know you all had a great time!