Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Walk Up Killiney Hill

This beautiful structure
is called "The Wishing
Steps". This is the first
of many wishing

I've climbed to the top of the "The
Wishing Steps" and I'M MAKING A
NO! I'm not going to tell you what I
wished for!
You know it won't come true if I tell!

And the awesome view looking
out from "The Wishing Steps".

So onward we go. We are headed in to the woods.

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Anonymous said...

when will you go online?

Unknown said...

Hi! ... umm.... I was just wondering when you were going to put up the rest of the pics.. or are you planning to drag these out all year!? haha

Lisa said...

Anyone who knows me really well would already know the answer to that question is "Probably YES!". However I am loading more right now and I'm so glad that you've stopped by to visit!
