Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Walk Up Beautiful Killiney Hill

Well, it's Sunday morning and after having "church" together in our room, we decided to just throw on clothes (without showers-sorry girls to be telling all of our secrets) and head out for our walk before checking out of our castle-hotel and leaving town. I'm so glad we made that decision. Killiney Hill was one of my favorite things that we did. This is proof that we took NO time in fixing up before setting out on our adventure! The view behind us was breathtaking. THIS is the breathtaking view. The water that you see is the Irish Sea and the land is the Dun Laoghaire (pronounced done leary) area which is just south of Dublin.
Maura pointed out this "house" to me, telling me that it belongs to ENYA! For as many Cd's of hers that I've purchased, I think I own stock in the piece of property!
Now, although this was a sweet, positively charming man he is not exactly what I had in mind when I said I hoped to meet a "Hot Irish Guy!" but he did take a picture of the three of us and was gracious to let us take his picture.

This another "house" in Enya's neighborhood.

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