Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Leave For Ireland, 7-31-08 and Return 8-09-08

Well, today's the day! In a few hours I'll be heading to Ireland! I can't believe the day has finally arrived.

My friend Maura is already in Ireland, visiting her family. My sister Beth is coming in from Alaska. Beth and I will meet at the Airport in Dublin tomorrow morning. Then we'll be renting a car and meeting Maura at our first stop, The Fitzgerald Castle Hotel.

Yes, we're renting a car. Beth and I will be driving on the wrong side of the road for ten days...AGH!! She's an old (but young) pro at it, it's my first try.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially on our traveling days: July 31 and August 9. Of course, since Bethie and I will be driving...PLEASE don't forget to pray for our safety on the days that fall between those dates!!! LOL No, but I'm serious about the prayer! Irish roads are supposedly narrow and we are not accustom to the car and road on the opposite side.

I'll post our pictures and adventures just as soon as I can.
Love to you all-Lisa


Anonymous said...

How did you get your picture to come up when you comment?

Claire Helena said...

The pictures you've posted so far are goregous!!! Those flowers are amazing. Can't wait to see more.