Monday, January 12, 2009


We had such a wonderful Christmas! It was so special to have a baby in the house this year. James has gone back to Mississippi already, back to work, but Meghan and Adalie are still with us. I'm going to miss them so much when they leave at the end of this week. Speaking of missing...I missed Michelle and Judd who celebrated Christmas in Japan this year, where they are stationed. Judd is a JAG in the Air Force. I am immensely proud to be an Air Force "Mom" AND an Air Force "Aunt"!!!

James, Meghan and Adalie
Lillian Masie (her stage name) opening a gift on Christmas morning.

Mark and I in front of our tree...THE MOST AMAZING TREE EVER!

"Marmie" and her little Addie-Bug.

Aunt Mattie and Addie...Mattie makes this little girl laugh and laugh and laugh. As I've observed Addie over the past few weeks, she reminds me more and more of Mattie as a baby. She's very content and happy...a real joy just like her Aunt Mattie.

Mattie, Lily and I...Christmas Eve at Grandmother and Grandaddy Eddings house.

Melanie and Micah...Christmas Eve.

This was taken at The Mall of Millenia on our last shopping trip before Christmas.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the pictures!!! you look fantastic in all of them! we definitely missed everyone for christmas! I can't believe addie might be 2 1/2 by the next time we get to see her! she's just sooo cute!

Claire Helena said...

I love your recent posts. Keep the pictures coming! Meg let me borrow a Taylor Swift CD and I like her stuff! Thank YOU SO MUCH for the baby Einstein CDs you sent up. I thought of you when I played them for Jack today. I turn them on when hes on his play-mat. And he loves it!!! You are too good to us!! Thank you so much!